Thursday, December 4, 2014

Adding Fractions.

As we saw in Showing Hands with Many Boards
this hand means that the game is being played with six boards
and this gives the same result as .

In this case the hand is the same as which is Two Sixths add Three Sixths or two Sixths add three Sixths which is five Sixths in the same way that two apples add three apples is five apples. We are counting Sixths.

What happens if the hand looks like this
which gives the same result as
This appears impossible because it seems one hand tells us that the game is played with two boards and the other that the game is played with three boards?

For all the following hands produce the same result on the result board

    Hand                                 Result



These hands all give the same result

For all the following hands produce the same result on the result board

Hand                                 Result


These hands give the same result

The hand gives the same result as and Three Sixths and Four Sixths gives the same result as three Sixths and four Sixths which is seven Sixths which is the same as Seven Sixths

Now seven Sixths is six Sixths add one Sixth or One and one Sixth which is One and One Sixth

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